L’École de Santé Publique et son Centre de recherche en Santé environnementale et Santé au travail ont le plaisir de vous convier au séminaire de thèse
"The mitigation potential of local traffic interventions on asthma incidence : Health impact assessement based on real-world data from car-free Sundays"
Bram Vandeninden
This study aims to quantify the potential reduction in (paediatric) asthma incidence in Brussels that could be achieved through policy interventions targeting local traffic.
Combining Exposure-Reponse-Functions (ERF's) from existing meta-analyses, health impact assessement methodologies and real-world NO2 measurement data from official observation stations, we conclude that permanently reducing local traffic level to the car-free days levels in Brussels could lead to a reduction of minimum 27,4% [95% CI: 17,2 - 35,5%], 28,0% [95% CI: 15,6 - 32,2%] and 12,7% [95% CI: 6,7 - 15,1% ] in pediatric asthma incidence in trafficked areas, central urban areas and residential areas respectively.
The study methodology can be easily expanded to other diseases like adult asthma, diabetes incidence etc
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