Advanced Master

This course aims to strengthen the links between academic research and applied topics such as health programmes and health systems management. It aims to equip graduates with the knowledge and skills to undertake epidemiological and public health research as well as to provide leadership and technical support in public health programmes and policy, particularly in middle and low income countries. Students acquire a large degree of autonomy in the use of public health methods and the transmission of this knowledge in professional life. Students come from a wide range of backgrounds and countries. The programme is taught in English.


The compulsory programme is built around the disciplines relevant to public health, with contextual factors in public health and modules related to health economics and the planning, management and evaluation of health systems and services (e.g. operational research and health planning, health services strategies and evaluation, principles of management, human resource management, health systems management, hospital management, quality management) ; but also fundamentals of epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, biostatistics in public health and qualitative methods.

Six optional modules are also available.
There are related to health surveys research, advanced methods in biostatistics and epidemiology, special research questions in public health and special research question in emergency situations but also to the WHO strategy for incorporation of traditional medicine in healthcare and to translational medicine (through interdisciplinary seminars).

The programme is taught through a variety of teaching methods including : lectures, practicals, field visits (hospital, medical house), self-directed study followed by seminars and group work with peers.

Distinctive features

The programme is jointly run by three universities (ULB, UCL and UMON S) which have a partnership agreement with the University of Liverpool for the part of the programme related to the qualitative methods.

As a part of the programme, the students will have the opportunity to follow lectures given by invited experts chosen among the partner countries of the Belgian nongovernmental cooperation. The lectures deal with specialized topics within the area of expertise of the lecturers. One of the lecturers is usually a former student which brings stimulating exchange with the class.

Students are also invited to attend the annual seminar of the Belgian Platform for International Health (Be-cause Health).


The programme aims to develop knowledge and skills but also to help students to turn what they learnt into action. The students acquire a large degree of autonomy in the use of public health methods and the transmission of this knowledge in professional life.
The multidisciplinary approach of the programme opens a wide range of career prospects : oriented towards research or towards field action or policy making.

The diversity of the students’ backgrounds and experiences brings a variety of viewpoints in learning activities but also the opportunity to develop relationships all over the world.

Career prospects

  • National and international health agencies : programme or project officer/manager, public health surveillance specialist
  • Non-governmental organizations : medical coordinator, project manager
  • Health Ministries : regional programme coordinator, consultant/ officer in national health policy and planning
  • Community and hospital medicine : public health physician, district officer
  • Universities, health research centers : epidemiologist, biostatistician, researcher in health services and policies
  • The programme may serve as excellent preparation for students wishing to go on to take PhD
Updated on March 29, 2019